Friday, July 31, 2015

Coming to America

Hi, and I'm sorry it has been so long!  We've been busy opening up the Excellent English language and culture center.  We are happy to say that classes begin on August 10! 
 Also, I am preparing to visit the U.S.  I plan to be there August thru October, and while I'm there, I would love to speak and show pictures about what's going on in Burkina Faso.  If you can think of any opportunity where people would enjoy that, please let me know!  I already have one program scheduled for September at the library in Enon, Ohio. (I'm also bringing some traditional dress and artwork that you might want to take a look at!)
I will also be looking for some English materials to bring back to Burkina for Excellent English.  These would be things like picture and story books, easy readers, picture dictionaries or encyclopedias, short novels, cartoons or movies (especially with English subtitles), and grammar, writing, reading, vocabulary and spelling books.  If you have some that are still in good condition but you no longer need, I'd like to take a look at them.  Thanks in advance!
Hope to see some of you soon!


  1. Annette, the Yellow Springs Library is always looking for speakers and programs, and I'm sure you'd find an audience here.

    If you like, I can ask locals to donate books for your program, and collect them on my porch. Your family could pick them up at some point and keep whatever you can use. You could also approach Dark Star books about the donations they get that they don't feel are in good enough condition to sell. They donate them somewhere and may be happy to let you go through them first. They've turned down some of mine which I thought were in fine condition.

    And lastly, I'm sewing with a group of ladies as part of Days for Girls, making feminine hygiene kits. They're aimed at young women who end up staying home from school during their period because they have no way to deal with the mess. If you know of an outlet to distribute those in Burkina Faso, let me know and we can get some kits to you. (Free of charge. This is a volunteer effort by Those Who Have helping Those Who Have Not).

  2. Hi Annette, this is Anna Smucker (remember me at Waterford Mennonite?) I chose Burkina Faso at school for a nations study project at Bethany (because I know you) and am wondering if I can ask you a few questions. Can you describe how the upper and lower class and social classes inbetween relate to each other? Are they separated? Do they intermingle? Does one class come across as more superior than the other? Do you know the important history from 1980 to the present? or a couple moments that would stand out? Also, do you ever skype? since I would like to have you speak to my class sometime (!) Sorry, so many questions. Just wanted to fit as much as I could in this message.
    Anna Smucker
