Saturday, September 6, 2014

Matches and Showers

I had no idea it was like this here.  To strike a match in this corner of the globe, I have to hold it upside-down from what I’m used to.  All that so it won’t break.  And I have to strike a breakable match more than once a day in order to light the gas burner. 
I had no idea it was like this here.  We take showers twice a day, before sleeping and when waking up – when it hasn’t rained, meaning the days it is hot. 
Shower prerequisites:  Water (precious in this country) We use plastic buckets (maybe 3 gallons) as the sink and the shower.  This means there must be some water left in the bucket, and if not, then it means a trip to the water barrel.  It also means that there must be water in the barrels.  Yesterday Barak borrowed a donkey cart and took several hours to purchase water at the public fountain. 
With water in bucket, we then scoop a margarine tub full of water and splash it over our hands or head.   Washing hands takes maybe a pint of water, and a shower takes maybe 1.5 gal. 

 Hopefully more pictures later!  They take a ....LONG time to download because internet has very slow connection here.  
Love you all and God bless you!

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