Thursday, October 2, 2014

True and Ouagadougou

Bus stop at Boromo on the way to Ouagadougou.  Sellers crowd around every bus that stops.   

Some things rumored about Africa I find out are true.  Women, and even some men, carry baskets, barrels, bundles and bags on their heads.

They also carry babies on their backs, held on by a wrapper that, watching, you just hope is tied securely. 


We have been in Ouagadougou for almost two weeks - that's 8 days longer than we planned.  Ouagadougou is the capitol city of Burkina Faso, much hotter than Bobo Dioulasso (the second largest city), more dirty and more busy.  It also has many more business opportunities.  

I didn’t realize that so much is dependent on surroundings.  Life changes just being in a house with ceiling fans and features that make it cooler. 
Under the sun or baking in a house (oven), you really can’t work hard.  Why do people sit in the shade all afternoon, talking or slowly preparing dinner?  Even simple tasks are exhausting. 
You could say that what keeps African countries from developing is the heat.  People don’t know how to manage it.  Or can’t. 
Being in the capitol, Ouagadougou, the heat of motorcycle rides is compounded by excessive dust and exhaust fumes.  It must make people sick!  Sometimes I’ve taken to holding a cloth or tissue over my mouth and nose. 
When we return, we don’t want to sit down without taking a shower and changing dusty clothes for clean ones.

Stopped at a traffic light.  Motorcycle fumes.  Dusty heat.  

Last Sunday we met with Anne and Daniel Kompaore, who welcomed us to their church and home.  Anne is from Canada, and she had great advice to share... including how to get good internet at home.  Praise God, now I can Skype home and download pictures to this blog in 1/20th the time!

Blessings for a beautiful October.


  1. Annette,
    Louise and I spent October 1-7 in Goshen for Alumni Board meetings, Homecoming and visit with family and friends. Ann and Paul came out on Monday evening and we spent much of Tuesday with them. We had a good time catching up on family happenings and one special bonus was learning about your blog which we have read completely and plan to follow as it continues. What a great way to keep in touch. Thank you so much and we wish you the very best.
    ~John and Louise

  2. These pictures are themselves quite descriptive. I'm amazed to see women riding motorcycles with babies on their back or barrels/bags balanced on their heads! It's good to know you found a new welcome friend from Canada able to give valuable practical advice.
